Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is the best shampoo for really thin hair?

I have really thin, flat, damaged hair (split ends), and I want hair that is thick, volumized, and healthy. Do you know a great shampoo and conditioner for my hair? Any tips? Thanks!What is the best shampoo for really thin hair?
I am a hair stylist and have worked with many different people who have similar problems to you so I hope I can help you out! :)

My first suggestion is in relation to your split ends. The only way you can truly deal with them is to have your hair cut. You may only need a 1/2 inch to an inch taken off to really notice a difference. Once these have been taken away, your hair will already start to feel and look more balanced. Sometimes damaged ends can slightly weight the hair down and more so give the impression of a bigger volume at the bottom, due to the splits, which can make the roots look flatter than they are.

The next tip I can give is to use a shampoo and conditioner that is mainly for every day use, and has a sway toward more nautral products in it, for eg chamomile or plant extracts, as these tend to be lighter in consistency and also won't weigh the hair down. If you tend to use more creamy shampoo's and conditioner's, they tend to have by-products in them that give the hair weight, thus flattening the hair strands and giving a shiny appearance but also a heavier feel and look, so my advise for your hair type would be to transfer to lighter solutions. I would suggest using conditioner every other wash, as this can have a dramatic effect on weighing the hair down more than it needs. It shouldn't make any difference to the overall condition of your hair if you have your ends cut and keep them regularly trimmed :) You should notice the real difference after the first trim and about four shampoo's in.

Also, as one of the other answerers said, a beer rinse, or an egg white rinse, are very effective ways of boosting body in to limper hair.

For the egg white rinse, separate 3 large eggs from their whites and yolks, discard the yolks then mix the egg whites with enough water to make it pourable. Pour over hair. As you pour, do it gently enough so that you can work the rinse in to the scalp. Concentrate on this more than lengths and ends, as it will get to the root, haha, of the problem, sorry for the pun. Leave for 2 mintues, then rinse out with lukewarm, tepid water. Don't make the mistake of using warmish or even hot water, as you will develop a meringuy souffle on your scalp! lol :)

For the beer rinse, before you shampoo, grab a can of beer and pour in to a glass or big cup.. allow this to go flat and warm before you progress to the next step.

Shampoo you hair and rinse as usual, then grab yourself the flat beer and pour gently over your hair, again concentrating on the scalp more than anything else, work it in to the roots with your fingers, as this will boost the roots in to life, and may get them tipsy and therefore happier, lol.. joking of course. My hair styling jokes get more groans than giggles, ha. When you are done, rinse with cool water until the odour has gone and you should have a little more bounce going on :)

I would recommend using the homemade rinses alternately twice a month. The beer rinse one week, then the egg rinse two weeks after and so on.

If you use styling products like mousse, gel etc and apply directly on wet hair, allow the hair to dry out a little first, maybe by lightly towel drying, then apply the products. I say this as the product will be too dissolved to be of use when the hair is sopping wet, and therefore you will need to use more, which will weight the hair down. By leaving the hair to dry a little first, you will use less than before and keep the bounce you will be starting to develop :)

So, I think that is all, haha. I wish you the best of luck and many great hair days.What is the best shampoo for really thin hair?
You're so welcome :) I really do hope it does the trick for you, and I wish you much luck on your quest for bouncier hair! All the best x Report Abuse

awesome answer, i have the same exact problem too, thanks! Report Abuse

there is a garnier pro-volume shampoo, and Sunsilk has good ones too.

x3 LiiN3a x3
Use beer
If your hair is damaged, you have to go to a beautician and have her remove it.

You can them maintain the hair using Garnier or Pantene. Keep in mind that nothing will fix your hair outside of a beautician.
Nick Chavez hair products are the best.
Trim off the ends and try Pantene Full %26amp; Thick shampoo or Sunsilk for flat's in a goldish yellow bottle. Keep the ends clipped off until all the damaged hair has grown out. If your hair is think, it won't ever be thick. Let it air dry if possible. Don't use curling iron if you don't have to. Good luck.

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